Nurse's Corner
Our team

Tami Cairns

Carrie Voth
Information for parents
- Health records
- When your child is ill
- Medications
- Health room procedures
- Communicable diseases
- First aid
- Screenings
Health records
Health records
Health history: Parents are required to submit health history form for their child(ren) once a year during the registration process. A sports physical is not a substitute for submitting a health history.
Contact info: Please make sure phone numbers are correct in PowerSchool’s contact information in case of emergency.
Confidentiality: Health information is kept confidential. Teachers are informed of a student’s medical condition(s) only if it is necessary for your child’s care and safety.
Immunizations: Proof of completed immunizations are required to be on file at your child’s school. Visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website for more information. Immunization information will be shared with the Kansas State Immunization Registry. Please notify your school nurse if you do not wish for immunization records to be shared with the state.
New students: A Health Examination Report (physical), signed by a Kansas physician, is necessary for Pre-K students, kindergarteners and students under the age of 9 who are entering Kansas schools for the first time. Children who transfer from other Kansas schools should provide a copy of the entrance exam they provided to their previous school.
When your child is ill
When your child is ill
24-hour rule: Students who have vomited, run a fever above 100 degrees or have other recurring symptoms such as diarrhea should not return to school until they have experienced 24 hours symptom-free without the aid of medication.
Communicable diseases: We appreciate knowing if your child has contracted a communicable disease such as Covid, chicken pox, strep throat, fifth’s disease, etc.
Prescriptions: FDA-approved prescription medications can be given at school with the authorization of a physician and a parent/guardian.
OTC medicine: For students in grades K-5, over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil or cough drops require a parent’s signature and must come in a container that is unopened, labeled as appropriate for age, and unexpired. For grades 6-12, these medications are available in the Health Office but a parent signature is still required on the appropriate form.
For more information, please visit the Medications at School page.
Health room procedures
Health Room procedures
Illness at school: If a child who comes to the office complaining of “illness” does not have a fever or a contributing factor, we have them rest for 10-15 minutes. They are then sent back to class for a trial period. When a student is ill enough to be sent to the health room a second time, we routinely call a parent. Any child with a fever of 100 degrees or above must be sent home. Parents need to sign the student out through the school office. All students seen in the Health Room must bring a pass from their teacher. Occasionally students will have to wait to be seen by Health Room staff while we assess emergencies.
Injuries at school: Injuries are often seen in our office. Injured areas that are nonspecific, mild, or do not exhibit severe symptoms are treated with cold packs, ice packs and rest as needed. More severe injuries are provided care specific to the injury, ex. gel or ice packs, immobilization, neurological examinations, circulation checks, etc. In these cases, parents are notified. We always attempt to notify a parent when a student bumps their head (so that parents know to monitor closely that evening at home). Students who bump their head will be observed in the health office for an extended time.
Communicable diseases
Communicable diseases
Please report all communicable diseases, including cases of strep, pink eye, chicken pox, head lice, flu, COVID or fifth’s disease to your child's Health Office. If your child is absent from school due to a communicable disease, he/she may be required to have a doctor’s permit to return to class and/or be readmitted by the school nurse.
First aid
First aid
First aid will be given for minor injuries only. If injuries are serious, the parents/guardians or emergency contacts will be contacted, but if we are unable to reach them, the student will be transported to the hospital at the expense of the parents/guardian. If a child becomes ill at school, parents will be called. Please be sure your correct emergency, work and home phone numbers are reported to the school office.
Vision screening: A non-comprehensive vision screening test is provided for new students and students in the following grade levels: Pre-K, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th. Students in other grades may be referred by their teacher, parent/guardian or the nurse. If your child appears to be having a vision problem anytime during the school year, please notify the nurse. Students may be screened more often as indicated by need. All students, even those with known problems, are included in these screenings unless you have provided the health room with a current vision report from your eye doctor. If a vision problem is noted, parents/guardians will be notified.
Hearing screening: A non-comprehensive hearing screening test is provided for new students and students in the following grade levels: Pre-K, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th. Students in other grades may be referred by their teacher, parent/guardian, or the nurse. Students may be screened more often as indicated by need. All students, even those with known problems, are included in these screenings unless you have provided the health room with a current report from your hearing specialist. If a hearing problem is noted, parents/guardians will be notified.
Dental screening: Dental screening is provided for students per state regulations. If your child is taken to the dentist, please return a dental card to the nurse or school secretary.
Please inform your school nurse if you wish for your child to opt out of any health screenings.